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Cook Nutrition

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition month and we’re celebrating! 🥳

During March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics promotes the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. To that end, the academy has named today, March 11, National Registered Dietitians day!

It seems like the perfect time to revisit what a Registered Dietitian (RD) actually is, what we do and how we can help you.

RD’s are the food and nutrition experts who can translate the science of nutrition into practical solutions for healthy living.


  • have degrees in nutrition, dietetics, public health or a related field from well-respected, accredited colleges and universities, completed an internship, passed an examination and maintain continuing education. (VT grad here - go Hokies! :))

  • use our nutrition expertise to help individuals make personalized, positive lifestyle changes.

  • are advocates for advancing the nutritional status of Americans and people around the world.

  • work throughout the community in hospitals, schools, public health clinics, nursing homes, fitness centers, food management, food industry, universities, research private practice and more.

In the past, Registered Dietitians have worked primarily in clinical, inpatient settings, helping patients with a diagnosis to manage their disease with nutrition while in the hospital. There has been a shift, as we learn more about using food as preventative care, resulting in more RD’s working in private settings. This enables us to help our patients prevent those diseases instead of waiting to see them after they’ve received a diagnosis.

Think of it this way… you see your eye doctor once a year to make sure your eyes are healthy and make adjustments as needed. And you see your dentist every 6 months to check in on your teeth and improve as necessary. RD’s are your nutrition experts … you eat at least 3 times a day, EVERY day! Have you checked in to see how you are doing with your nutrition? Do you know specifically what things you could be improving or what you’re at risk for and HOW to use the food that you eat everyday to prevent disease? Just like other valued health care professionals in your life, RD’s can be an integral part of your healthcare team that keeps you at your healthiest.

Cook Nutrition is a private practice, outpatient facility. We specialize in teaching people how to use food to improve their health. I am passionate about providing my patients with individualized education and tools to make lasting changes. I’d love to join you on your health journey and make the science of nutrition something that you can easily apply to your life.

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